@misc{Oleksy_Piotr_Clinical_2013, author={Oleksy, Piotr}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, school={Wydział Lekarski}, language={pol}, abstract={Aims: Retrospective analysis of clinical CCH as well as the evaluation of therapeutic treatment for these patients.Methods: Consecutively 90 patients have been enrolled. For each patient from the analyzed group all basic examinations were performed. Both the patients being only in clinical observation, and those subjected to the appropriate treatment were included in the analysis. Only the symptomatic CCH were qualified to the treatment depended on the size and location of the tumor. The analysis was based on age, gender, tumor location, visual acuity, complications associated with hemangioma growth, presence of the subretinal fluid, distance of the tumor from the optic disc and macula, its size at the time of the diagnosis and after the treatment, as well as the method of treatment.Results: The analysis shows that the treatment of CCH reduces its size. The analysis of the visual acuity before and after the treatment, showed no statistically significant difference.Conclusion: CCH develop in patients regardless their gender. Decision regarding the type of the treatment should be considered on the basis of the test results as well as the symptoms presented. Patients who have no evidence of any changes related to the presence of CCH should be monitored. Effects of the treatment depend on the method of treatment, the initial size of the hemangioma and the duration of symptoms befor}, abstract={e the treatment.}, title={Clinical characteristics and standardization procedure for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma in patients diagnosed and treated at the Department of Ophthalmology and Ocular Oncology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={circumscribed choroidal hemangioma}, }