@misc{Bryniarska_Antonina_The_2024, author={Bryniarska, Antonina}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, school={Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne}, language={pol; eng}, abstract={Anorexia nervosa (AN) as an eating disorder is characterised by a high mortality rate, severe clinical presentation and increasing prevalence among young patients. The key mechanisms for the course of the illness are denial, minimisation of symptoms and a distorted self-image. These phenomena determine the egosyntonic nature of anorectic symptoms and the associated low motivation for treatment. Therefore, the involvement of underage patients’ parents in the treatment process is crucial. Medical recommendations point to family therapy as the first-choice method for the outpatient treatment of anorexia. Less is known about ways to involve the family in the inpatient treatment process, which is a necessary form of treatment for patients with the most severe clinical picture. The research presented in this thesis explores the importance of building collaboration between professionals and patients' families during the inpatient hospitalisation of a child with a diagnosis of anorexia. The aim was to show both the parents and staff in the process of co-constructing collaboration. To this end, clinical data extracted from a medical record creation programme was used. Due to the nature of the data and research questions, it was decided to use qualitative methods to gain a deeper understanding of the investigated mechanisms: Consensual Qualitative Research and Comparative Case Study. Fro}, abstract={m the parents' perspective, it was shown that a child’s hospitalisation is a difficult emotional experience for carers. It is characterised by ambivalence regarding treatment decisions and discrepancies between parents concerning treatment methods. The quality of cooperation was described on a continuum: from trust, through distrust and disagreement, to rejection of proposed treatment. Each type of cooperation was described in detail and then used to divide the group of parents into two parts: those showing favourable cooperation and those showing difficulties in building cooperation. Importantly, the type of cooperation had an impact on the treatment process. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in the increase in BMI during hospitalisation (1.53 vs 2.82, p=0.003). Qualitative analysis also allowed a description to be made regarding the interventions used by staff during family consultations on the ward. Staff activity varied and addressed different aspects, such as the individual context of the illness, the exploration of the patient -parent relationship, the actions taken by carers in relation to the illness, and others. It also showed a difference between the group cooperating and having difficulties in the most commonly used interventions. A further comparison of the two groups, based on an in-depth analysis of two cases, showed that parents}, abstract={differed significantly in their degree of understanding of their child's experience. The cooperating parents did not limit themselves to analysing symptoms, but viewed the child in a more holistic way. , However, in both cases there was a critical moment for the parents, when their understanding of the child's experience broke down, in which case appropriate, multi-specialist interventions by staff helped the parents to recover from the crisis. The results show that in clinical practice it is advisable to take into account the collaboration between professionals and parents of minor patients with eating disorders. The study conducted, through the use of qualitative methods, contains clinical implications for professionals working on inpatient wards. The guidance relates to different levels: the construction of the working model, the interventions undertake n during family consultations, but also understanding parents' experiences during this difficult time of their child's psychiatric inpatient hospitalisation.}, title={The role of cooperation with family in the treatment of adolescent patients with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={anorexia nervosa, child and adolescent psychiatry, inpatient treatment, cooperation with parents, qualitative research}, }