@misc{Szymoński_Krzysztof_Raman_2023, author={Szymoński, Krzysztof}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, school={Rada Dyscypliny Nauki medyczne}, language={pol; eng}, abstract={Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most poorly prognostic human cancers, despite continuously deepening knowledge about its biology. The Jack of sensitive and specific early diagnostic methods, combined with the molecular and morphological heterogeneity of the tumor, are the main reasons for the PC patients dreadful prognosis. In the research comprising this doctoral thesis, we developed an innovative methodology for effective imaging of PC tissues, combining molecular microscopy methodolo~ies (Raman hyperspectral mapping) with artificial neutal network techniques. This approach allowed us to characterize the most common subtypes of PC, jdentifying differentiating properties related to protein content and the intensity of epigenetic changes. The developed metho4ology, due to its versatility, could be used to devefop very seńi;itive and specific early diagnostic methods for PC based o:p. analyzir,tg patient blood samples.}, title={Raman hyperspectral molecular imaging combined with convolutional neural networks in early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, considering selected, pathologically different, subtypes of the tumor}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={pancreatic cancer, molecular imaging, convolutional neural networks, cancer diagnostics}, }