@misc{Liberacka-Lenart_Donata_The_2023, author={Liberacka-Lenart, Donata}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, school={Rada Dyscypliny Nauki o zdrowiu}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between chronic pain and cognitive functioning in patients with low back pain and to identify cognitive risk factors associated with patient dissatisfaction and persistent postoperative pain following spinal surgery. The study was conducted as a prospective cohort study with a six-month follow-up of all consecutive patients with LBP. The cognitive functioning of patients with LBP was depressed compared to healthy controls. There were difficulties in the learning process, psychomotor speed, and in attentional and executive functions. Cognitive problems were mainly related to effortful processes. The results indicated the special role of executive functions as a cognitive determinant of pain syndrome in patients after spinal surgery. Fluency of thinking, which consists of the ease in changing strategies and generating solutions, turned out to have a direct impact on the level of patients’ satisfaction with the procedure. Deficits of higher cognitive functions also had an indirect effect on the surgery outcomes through the choice of non-adaptive, passive pain coping strategies. The results of the study indicate the importance of screening patients in the preoperative period and the inclusion of pro-cognitive training in the risk group.}, title={The cognitive determinants of pain syndrome in patients after spinal surgery}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={chronic pain, persistent postoperative pain, cognitive function, pain coping strategies, risk factors}, }