@misc{Mamica-Pociecha_Katarzyna_Comparability_2018, author={Mamica-Pociecha, Katarzyna}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, school={Wydział Lekarski}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study was to compare LDL cholesterol concentration calculated by the Friedewald, the Cordova and the Planelli formulas and LDLC measured by direct method in serum samples from pediatric patients in regards to patient's age, sample matrix and disease. Five hundred fortynine leftover serum samples were collected from children aged from 1 month to 18 years hospitalized in University Children’s Hospital in Cracow. In all serum samples total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and apoprotein B were measured. In addition, the LDLC concentration was estimated for each sample using Friedewald formula: (LDLCF[mmol/l]=TC[mmol/l]–HDLC[mmol/l]–TG[mmol/l]/2,22), Cordova formula: (LDLCC[mmol/l]=¾*(TC[mmol/l]–HDLC[mmol/l]) and Planelli formula: (LDLCP[mmol/l]=0,41*TC[mmol/l]–0,32*TG[mmol/l]+1,7*apoB[g/l]–0,27). The obtained results indicated that the differences between concentration of LDLC determinated and estimated depend on composition of samples matrix and formula which is used to calculated. There is the higher difference between concentration of determinated LDLC and estimated using different formulas in serum samples either from children with obesity or children with cancer than in serum samples from children with type I diabetes and children with chronic kidney disease. In the monitoring of the hypolipem}, abstract={ic therapy, the same LDLC method should be using, due to the significant differences between the determined LDLC by the direct method and the LDLC concentration estimated by the different formulas.}, title={Comparability of calculated and direct LDL cholesterol concentrationmeasurement in regards to patient's age, sample matrix and disease}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={LDLC, matrix, children, measurement, estimation}, }