@misc{Banaszkiewicz_Krzysztof_The_2012, author={Banaszkiewicz, Krzysztof}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, school={Wydział Lekarski}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study was the instrumental registration andanalysis of tremor in parkinsonian syndromes in order to identifydistinct features and types of tremor. The analysis included 1. theprevalence of the tremor features and types in differentparkinsonian syndromes, 2. the differences between tremor typesin the response to three different antitremor drugs(anticholinergic, antidopaminergic and beta-blocker), and finally3. the relationship between tremor characteristics and other signsof Parkinson’s disease, including cognitive impairment,depression, gait disturbances and autonomic dysfunction.The study showed that there are significant differences in terms oftremor between PD, PSP and MSA patients. Parkinsonian tremoris a non-homogeneous symptom, and the use of instrumentalmethods of assessment allows for identification of distinct featuresand types of tremor. There are significant differences betweentremor types in terms of their response to treatment with threedifferent drugs. There is no relationship between tremor severityand cognitive impairment, depression, autonomic failure or gaitdisturbances.}, title={The assessment of instrumental methods of tremor analysis in Parkinsonian syndromes}, type={Praca doktorska}, keywords={MSA, tremor, frequency, parkinsonism, PSP}, }