
Search for: [Abstract cont. = "In total, 135 patients were enrolled, including 88 men and 47 women. The average age was 63.8 and ranged between 30 and 87. The median age was 65 years. Typical age in the researched group was between 58 and 70. The results indicate that the majority of surveyed patients with lung cancer had propensity for optimism. They also show that the awareness of the treatment results and consequences is high among the patients scheduled for surgery. Despite the concerns related to potential dependence on other people, the vast majority of the surveyed patients with lung cancer perceive themselves as independent.The general level of social conditions connected with the acceptance of the limitations caused by lung cancer was influenced by different factors. The most important one – concerning the conditions related to the biopsychosocial model and the disease awareness – was education of the surveyed. The patients with higher education were significantly more ready to accept the life style change but at the same time, they were significantly less ready to accept the limitations concerning their job as well as shortened time of different activities and limiting social activity.The readiness to accept the changes in life after the surgery depends on disease acceptance degree, life orientation and fear level. The level of disease acceptance of patients with lung cancer depends on the evaluation of own health – both currently \(it is higher among the patients who consider their health as good\) and compared to the previous year \(it is higher among the patients who evaluate it as the same or better than a year ago\).The willingness to accept the life changes depends on a gender. Women were less ready than men to accept a chemotherapy or another form of further treatment. Age has significant impact on the readiness to accept the majority of analysed consequences of changes after the surgery, which means all besides the life style change and a chemotherapy or another form of further treatment. The more advanced patients’ age, the higher was the readiness to accept the changes. The results confirm that the higher the age, the lower the fear level. The analysis of the relation between the health condition perception and psychological factors \(optimism, fear as a state and a quality as well as acceptance of own disease\) enables to draw a conclusion that the perception of own disease depends relevantly on a fear level as a quality.The own health perception also depends largely on own disease acceptance. According to the results, the fear level is high among the majority of patients. The higher level of fear was found as a state and a feature among those patients who perceive themselves as ill. The fear level as a state, influences the readiness to accept pain and death. The fear level as a feature significantly influences the readiness to accept chemotherapy or another form of further treatment. The communication between a patient and the people around him\/her is crucial, with the role of doctors and a psychologist being of utmost importance. The results prove that psychological education may contribute to the acceptance of such changes after the surgery like quitting addictions, starting chemotherapy or another forms of treatment."]

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