
Search for: [Abstract = "of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs. Analysis of presence of cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidities, risk factors for bleeding according to GRACE registry and recommended treatment was conducted during hospitalization and upon discharge from hospital. Results. Among 2279 patients diagnosed with ACS, 365 \(16.02%\) had indications for long\-term anticoagulation. The largest group consisted of patients with unstable angina who were treated pharmacologically \(30.68%\). The most common indication for chronic anticoagulation was paroxysmal atrial fibrillation \(59.72%\). Among patients with atrial fibrillation the average CHADS2 score was 2.49. In patients requiring triple therapy average age was 73.2 years, hypertension was diagnosed in 79.73%, hyperlipidemia in 63.01% and prognostic factors for bleeding were quite common. Only 11.5% patients received triple therapy at discharge from hospital. Most of them did not have INR on the therapeutic level. In 25.21% the recommended time of usage of dual antiplatelet therapy was not given. The cause of not administrating triple therapy was not clear in most of the patients, and among those with defined reason of rejecting the proper treatment \- anticipated poor compliance \(13.93%\) and planned coronarography, coronary angioplasty or surgery \(12.07%\) were most common. Most of the patients receiving triple therapy were men and were younger"]

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