
Search for: [Abstract = "ned indices was a predictor of all\-cause mortality in both univariate and multivariable regression analysis. The final three non\-classical lipid parameters were assessed among patients at the age of 60 or older admitted with NSTEMI. In the entire study population only LCI was a predictor of MACE, however only in univariate regression analysis \(OR=0.98 \(95 % CI\: 0.97–0.99, p=0.03\)\). After dividing patients into two groups according to their age \(aged 60–74 years, referred to as young\-old, aged 75 years and older, referred to as old\-old\) we received ambiguous results. In the young\-old group only CAD diagnosed prior to admission was an independent predictor of MACE with OR = 2.2 \(95% CI\: 1.3–3.9, p < 0.01\). Additionally, AIP and AC were significant predictors of 1\-year all\-cause mortality but only in univariate regression analysis \(OR=3.2 \(95 % CI\: 1.1–10.3, p=0.04\) for AIP\; OR=1.2 \(95 % CI\: 1–1.4, p=0.04\) for AC\). Both indices were insignificant in the multivariable model. The results obtained in the old\-old group were different. All of the examined indices were significant but negative predictors of MACE, but again only in univariate regression analysis \(OR=0.32 \(95 % CI\: 0.1–0.9, p=0.04\) for AIP\; OR=0.65 \(95 % CI\: 0.5–0.85, p=0.01\) for AC\; OR=0.94 \(95 % CI\: 0.91–0.98, p=0.03\) for LCI\). In the multivariable model only diabetes was significant indepen"]

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