
Search for: [Abstract = "ies against prothrombin. PIT LA turned out to be the most sensitive screening test for LA\; dilute Russell Viper Venom Time \(DVV\) was found to be somewhat less sensitive. Mouse humanized antibodies against human aB2GPI \(HCAL and EY2C9\; \"Sapporo standards\"\) were used as reference calibrators in comparison to in\-house standards \(serum from patients with known high antibody titer\) to establish a cut\-off point for positive values in healthy controls. They were also used for assessing intralaboratory reproducibility for aCL determination method. Ninety\-ninth percentile values calculated for both aCL and aB2GPI with the use of in\-house standard and with monoclonal antibodies were very similar. Moreover, no significant difference was observed while classifying the results as positive or negative\; a very important finding for establishing the proper diagnosis. Intra\-serial variation for aCL was good\; coefficient of variation \(CV\) for both classes did not exceeded recommended value of20%. Inter\-serial CV value was higher \(for both classes\). It was lower, however, when monoclonal antibodies were used as a standard. The present study also assessed the risk of clinical complications in 336 patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. The stronger risk of both thrombosis and obstretic complications was associated with the presence of lgG aB2GPI antibodies. The risk was som"]

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