
Search for: [Abstract = "ger females gained knowledge about nutrition mainly from the Internet \(67,5%\) or school \(58,1%\), while older females mostly from home and\/or relatives \(49,6%\) as well as from the radio and television \(46,0%\). Males mostly gained that kind of knowledge from home and\/or relatives \(76,5%\) and the Internet \(60,5%\). Statistical significance \(p<0,001\) was observed between blood pressure and age and gender of the participants. The group of males had higher blood pressure results \(SBP mean±SD 119,57±10,42\; DBP mean±SD 73,88±5,85\) than the group of older females \(SBP mean±SD 115±12,87\; DBP mean±SD 72,7±7,71\) and younger females \(SBP mean±SD 112,04±10,41\; DBP mean±SD 70,26±7,67\). Unfortunately, antihypertensive medication was used by 12,2% of older females, 1,7% of younger females and 0,84% of males. More than half of females over 25 years \(61,1%\) had an inherited predisposition to hypertension. In case of males it was 42,8% and in case of younger females 42,7%. The analysis of dietary habits of overweight, obese and normal weight students indicated statistical significance only in some aspects, e.g. consumption of bread \(p=0,039\) which was more frequent in case of the obese \(14,3%\). However, obese students consumed whole wheat bread more frequently \(35,7%\) than overweight students \(26,4%\) and students with normal weight \(19,2%\). Adding up to two spoonfuls of sugar to hot beverages was"]

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