
Search for: [Abstract = "esistant to aspirin we determined urinary 11\-dehydro\-thromboxane B2 \(11\-dTXB2\) concentrations and defined ASA resistance based on the quartile distribution \(the highest quartile \- women resistant to ASA\) and my own parameter, the resistance index \(RI\), namely, a difference between urinary levels of 11\-dTXB2 of each woman treated with ASA and their median value at the same time point measured in the control group. Additionally, C\-reactive protein \(CRP\), interleukin 6 \(IL\-6\), anticardiolipin antibodies IgG \(aCL IgG\) and IgM \(aCL IgM\), lupus anticoagulant \(LA\), soluble CD40 ligand \(sCD40L\), thrombin\-antithrombin complexes \(TAT\), total homocysteine \(tHcy\) and the presence of PlA1 and PlA2 alleles of integrin β3 using the PCR\-RFLP technique were determined. There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to demographic data or the prevalence of PlA2 allele. However, women treated with ASA had higher mean body mass index \(BMI\). Women treated with ASA had no significant differences during pregnancy and after puerperium with respect to urinary 11\-dTXB2 concentrations. Patients treated with ASA had significantly lower urinary concentration of 11\-dTXB2 in comparison with the control group in the 2nd trimester \(224.0 ± 257.1 vs 499.6 ± 182.1 pg\/μmol creatinine\; p<0.0001\) and the 3rd trimester \(232.6 ± 235.0 vs 678.0 ± 337.0 pg\/μmol creatinine\; p<0.0001\) and after pue"]

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