
Search for: [Abstract = "Turner’s syndrom is a genetically determined syndrome of malformations \(among them\: short stature, gonadal dysgenesis, abnormal body proportions, surface defects of the body and malformations of the internal organs \- congenital urinary tract defects, congenital cardiovascular defects, autoimmune reactions, otolaryngological and opthalmological defects, changes in food intake and absorption and skeletal defects\). caused by total or partial absence of one of heterochromosmes X in all cells of an organism or a part thereof. Despite the fact that many studies carried out independently in different centers of European and American points out that overweight and obesity were significantly more likely to, develop, earlier and faster in patients with this genetic condition, the aspect of nutritional care and diet are neglected, and their role in enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and elimination of modified risk factors of co\-existing diet\-related diseases is completely ignored. The aim of the study presented in this doctoral thesis was to assess the impact of dietary habits on nutritional status and quality of life of patients with Turner syndrome. The study was conducted during the period from December 2007 to the end of April 2009 in collaboration with the Endocrinology Clinic for Children and Youth of the University Children’s Hospital in Krakow. 25 girls with Turner syndrome"]

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