
Search for: [Abstract = "The choice of appropriate method of anaesthesia is very important matter in each case. Although the definite decision is made by an anaesthesiologist, patients part in making this decision cannot be omitted. There is a lot of factors that have great influence on making decisions, especially on ones connected with heath. lt is commonly known that fear that occurs in perioperative period has great influence on making decision. That is why perioperative patients, has great influence on decision connected with their health. In anaesthesiology bibliography there is only few works that take up fear that perioperative patients have. However problem of fear that female patients, being prepared to planned cesarotomy, have and its influence on decisions of method of anaesthesiology hasn't been researched yet. There is an attempt to estimate if fear, that perioperative female patients have, has got great influence on decision about method of anaesthesia to planned cesarotomy. Female patients were divided into two groups\: 42 primipara patients and 48 multipara patients. All women were classified regardless of previous anaesthesiology experiences. There is an estimation of fear\-state and fear\-feature and their influence on the choice of method of anaesthesia, correlation between method of anaesthesia and own estimation of fear of anaesthesia, source of knowledge about anaesthesia and its"]

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