
Search for: [Abstract = "Results The present study revealed that there are differences in the physical development between the students from traditional and sports primary schools. Both boys and girls form the sports school were taller and had higher body mass than their peers from a traditional school. The sports school students were generally characterized by higher body circumferences, however the boys had tendency towards lowering of BMI values. In the sports school, despite increased physical activity, the overweight and obesity were more frequent. Particularly, numerous cases of lower body fatness and lower limb dysfunction have been observed. Additionally, idiopathic scoliosis cases were almost two times more frequent among girls from the traditional school compared with the sports school, and more frequent among girls than boys from the sports school. Development acceleration of many somatic features and shift of development between boys and girls by time of about one or two years has been observed.Conclusions1. Boys and girls from the sports school in general were higher and heavier than peer from the traditional school.2. In the sports school the percentage of students with overweight and obesity was somewhat larger than in the group of students from the traditional school.3. The girls from the sports school became more slender along with their age as effect of regular physical activity. Similar, but not so strong tendency was observed among boys.4. The sports school students were characterized by higher chest development compared with the students from the traditional school.5. In the traditional school boys more often than girls were characterized by pyknic rather than leptosomic body type.6. Home environment and particularly parent’s education strengthened health behavior in the families. The higher was the parent’s education, the more credible sources of health knowledge have been used and more proper health behavior has been observed.7. Mother was perceived as the key person in the families, caring about the biological as well as psycho\-emotional sphere of the family members, especially children.8. In the students’ opinion, school nurse, besides form master, was the most important person in the educational environment, who cares about their health and related aspects."]

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