
Search for: [Abstract = "Otosclerosis is a primary disorder of bony labyrinth. The disease, which can be found in human temporal bone only, is characterized by progressive and, in most instances, transmissional hearing impairment and tinnitus. The disease is long\-standing and may lead to profound hearing loss or even deafness.Surgical treatment is the treatment of choice in otosclerosis. Conservative therapy is used very rarely. The purpose of the study is presentation of otosclerosis surgical treatment and defining factors influencing final treatment outcome. In the surgical treatment of otosclerosis, best outcomes within the scope of hearing improvement and tinnitus reduction or withdrawal, were associated with stapedotomy.Presence of Carhart’s notch in the preoperative tonal audiogram positively influences final outcome within hearing improvement after stapedectomy. No such correlation was found after the stapedotomy.Statistically significant correlation between postoperative cochlear reserve value and initial bone conduction value was not found.Tests revealed that in case of advanced disease, an operation performed on the left side by right\-handed surgeons is related to worse operation outcome.The correlation between postoperative improvement in bone conduction threshold value and a significantly better result of speech audiometry was found.Continuing Prof. J. Miodoński’s observations, positive influence of stapedotomy on non\-operated ear was proved correct. No such correlation was found for stapedectomy.Statistically significant correlation and unfavorable influence of early and late adverse events, such a tinnitus, nausea, vomiting and nystagmus on the outcomes of otosclerosis operations was found"]

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