
Search for: [Abstract = "Introduction\: The number of cesarean sections has increased in recent decades. In general, a cesarean section is not a barrier to further pregnancies. Moreover, the control of pregnancies and childbirth after cesarean section are highly debated topics since many years. Aim of study\: The aim of the study was to analyze and evaluate the way patient gave a birth after they have had a cesarean section in a previous pregnancy. Materiał and methods\: In order to obtain the necessary information, the method of diagnostic survey and the method of evaluating medical records were used. For this survey 387 participants were analyzed who have had a single, full\-term pregnancy and one cesarean section in the past. Results\: Nearly 75% of women who have had a vaginal delivery at first and during their following pregnancy a cesarean section gave afterwards a natural birth again. Only 6% of patients experienced complications during delivery, and the most common symptom was increased vaginal bleeding. The median level of pain sensation experienced by the patients after elective cesarean section was 7 whereas the one from vaginal delivery reached the median level of 4. In the group of women who have had an elective cesarean section, 78,57% of newborns received 10 points on the Apgar scale in the first minute, in the VBAC group it has been 73,33% and 75% in the CBAC. The majority of the patient"]

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