
Search for: [Abstract = "Goal of this study was to evaluate PNF concept and manual therapy in a treatment of cervical spine degenerative changes concerning increase in ROM, pain reduction, improvement of functioning in daily life and decreasing accompanying symptoms. Treated group consisted of 80 randomly chosen women, ages 45\-65, admitted to Rehabilitation Department of Cracow Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Centre between 2011 and 2014. Qualified patients were sent for rehabilitation because of neck pain due to degenerative changes confirmed with X\-rays\; chronic pain should have last more than 13 weeks. Patients underwent ambulatory treatment. They were divided randomly into two groups of 40 people. The first group was treated with PNF concept, the second one with manual therapy. Measurements of cervical spine were taken before, 2 weeks after and 3 months after the treatment. Results show that suggested treatment according to PNF and manual therapy had statistically significant effects on ROM, pain and functioning in daily life. However results from both groups differ from each other and in PNF group the difference was more significant 2 weeks as well as 3 months after the treatment. PNF seems to be more effective in treatment of patients with degenerative changes of cervical spine."]

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