
Search for: [Abstract = "Crohn’s disease \(CD\) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting all of the layers of the gastro\-intestinal tract \(GIT\), that spreads locally, and is usually separated by non\-changed parts of mucosa. The pathologic changes can be located in every part of GIT, from the oral cavity to the anus. CD is characterized by the remission and exacerbation periods. The changes in oral cavity may be found in every period of the disease, preceding other GIT changes for several years, coexisting with them from the initial diagnosis or fallow the GIT changes. Several pathologic changes have been described in CD, and were initially characterized in 1991 by Malins. The aim of the study was to examine in CD patients, both in the remission and exacerbation of the disease\: 1\) the frequency and character of pathologic changes in the oral cavity mucosa and dental status in clinical examination, 2\) the amount of saliva production and characteristic of chosen inflammatory cytokines\: IL\-1beta, IL\-6, IL\-10\; 3\) the correlation of these cytokines with the activity of CD. The studied group consisted of 69 subjects. In this group 37 patients suffered from CD \(aged 20\-48 years\) and 32 were healthy volunteers and were treated as a control group \(HC\; aged 18\-45 years\). Among many other tests, the general medical status, BMI, whole blood count, and biochemical parameters were analyzed. The CD patients were"]

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