
Search for: [Abstract = "of the other lower limb a significant difference was observed for TFL muscle in all measurements and for GMed muscle between the first and last examination. Mobility ranges of both hip joints was below ISOM standards and the difference between the lower limbs was statistically significant both before and after total hip arthroplasty. The most limited movements in the hip joint with advanced degenerative changes were the flexion and rotation. The range of movement was greater in subsequent measurements for both lower limbs. The hip joint extension deficit with OA persisted in all persons examined in the sixth month after surgery. There have also been improvements in functional efficiency. Patients assessed their health as bad in HHS before the surgery, and after three months as good and very good in the sixth month after the surgery. The assessment of pain levels, which is one of the HHS questions, showed an improvement between the first and third test by more than 44% in relation to moderate symptoms and by 53% to no or little pain. The functional limitations in the WOMAC questionnaire were evaluated at 43.9% and in subsequent studies at 17.3% and 12.7%. The energy expenditure \(PCI\) during the walk decreased systematically. Conclusions\: 1. Advanced degenerative changes in the hip joint have a significant impact on the reduction of muscle activity and mobility, which may contr"]

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