
Search for: [Abstract = "ne a short\-term prognosis at discharge assessment by means of the modified Rankin scale\? 4\) Is leukoaraiosis an independent factor to determine a long\-term survival after a cerebrovascular accident \(3 years on average\)\?Demographic and clinical data, as well as the results of MR scans performed prospectively in patients suffering from ischemic stroke were subjected to a meticulous retrospective analysis. The group of the sick was composed of 256 people aged over 18 who were treated in the Stroke Unit of the Department of Neurology between 2005 and 2011 and whose survival had been reported by 30th June 2013. The participants of the study included patients who suffered from acute ischemic stroke , aged at least 18, who had an MR scan done within 7 days from the moment of falling ill. The exclusion criteria were the following\: 1\) a lack of consent for taking part in the investigation\; 2\) a record of cancer in medical history\; 3\) a head neurosurgery\; 4\) a record of head trauma in medical history. In all the patients the demographic data \(age, sex\) and risk factors \(arterial hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hypercholesterolaemia, obesity, nicotine addiction\) were analysed. In each case the results of basic biochemical tests at the admission, such as cholesterol level, blood glucose level, a number of white cells and fibrinogen level, were examined"]

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