
Search for: [Abstract = "more than 10% \(115\) of the respondents would administer insulin. The barriers to proper care for a child with T1DM identified by teachers included the lack of school nurses, lack of training, and unclear legislation. The study of correlations between gender, age, work experience, and knowledge about diabetes and the willingness to help a student with diabetes did not yield a clear answer. The highest level of knowledge was observed in the age group 30\-35 years and among teachers with 5 to 10 years of work experience. Women significantly more often declared a willingness to participate in diabetes training than men. Higher interest in participating in the training was also observed among teachers over 50 years of age and with the longest work experience or also with the shortest work experience. A significant correlation was observed between the level of knowledge and skills and the declaration of engagement in helping students with T1DM. Individuals with a higher level of knowledge and skills and participating in training were more willing to assist students in self\-monitoring their diabetes. Conclusions The study revealed that the level of knowledge and skills of teachers in Kraków’s kindergartens and schools about type 1 diabetes is low and insufficient to provide proper care for students with T1DM. It is necessary to increase teachers' knowledge by providing opportunities"]

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