
Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "fact of having pulmonary or hematology diseases. The average point value scored by the subjects in the SCALES test was 2.67±1.79 points \(0\-8 points\). Based on their scores, just over half of the subjects \(51.98%\) were classified as potentially at risk of malnutrition, whereas just under half of the subjects \(48.02%\) were classified as well\-nourished. The assessment of this test’s correlation with other variables assessing a nutritional status confirmed its significant negative correlation with BMI stores, serum albumin level, \; serum cholesterol level, MNA\-FV® stores and TLC.The results of the Tinetti test proved that in four out of five actions performed by the subjects\: changing position from sitting to standing up\; standing still for 5 seconds\; walking 3 meters on a level surface and turning 180˚, the residents of care institutions displayed significantly less independence and greater risk of falling in comparison with hospitalised subjects. However, the significant positive correlation of Tinetti test with MNA\-FV® scores and negative correlations with Yesavage test scores and SCALES test scores were confirmed.The average score on the Yesavage test for the overall study population was 11.73±6.48 points \(0\-29 points\) and findings show that these results were dependent on the subjects’ sex. Lack of depression was confirmed in 45.55% of subjects and a similar percentage were cl"]

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