
Search for: [Abstract = "Objective\: Prospective, randomized evaluation of vitamin D supplementation, calcium supplements, protein supplements and pre\-rehabilitation in the group of patients undergoing knee replacement surgery. Materials and methods\: Patients were randomly assigned to three groups who received vitamin D and calcium supplementation, protein supplements, and exercise programs prior to surgery. The following were analyzed\: changes in the level of vitamin D3, calcium, total protein, albumin and CRP, nutritional status in the SGA, SCORE scores, pain lie niefarmakologiczne \(np. edukacja, ćwiczenia, redukcja masy ciała, zmiana stylu życia\), leczenie farmakologiczne \(np. leki przeciwbólowe, w głównej mierze niesterydowe leki przeciwzapalne leki oraz stymulujące odżywienevel in V AS, the amount of analgesics used, the results of the patient's motor functionality according to scales DASI, CRI, KOOS, FABQ, QOLS and the amount of postoperative bleeding. The incidence of perioperative complications was also analyzed. Conclusions\: Vitamin D and protein supplementation together with moderate preoperative physical activity positively influences the subjective, laboratory and clinical effects of the treatment ofknee OA and reduces postoperative blood loss."]

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