
Search for: [Abstract = "Medicum in Krakow in the years 2004–2016. From the gathered cases, a thorough analysis of the full case files obtained with the consent of the court was made for 70 cases \- 38 cases of \"overkilling\" and 32 other homicides. Each case was assessed using five categories of parameters\: bodily injuries, the victim, the perpetrator, murder weapon and circumstances of the incident. Obtained results were statistically analysed using the Imago Pro SPSS program. Results and conclusions\: Detailed results of the conducted analysis are presented in extensive tables annexed with individual publications. On their basis \"overkilling\" can be characterized as a type of homicide in which the number of injuries exceeds to varying degrees the number needed to cause death. The introduced Deadly Wound Factor \(DWF\), which is the quotient of the number of all wounds and the number of fatal wounds, allowed for a gradation of the phenomenon of \"overkilling\" in the analysed material. In the \"overkilling\" group, when injuries from sharp instruments occurred, they were most often localized on the trunk, neck and limbs, while when injuries from blunt instruments occurred, they more often affected the head. Victims were most often 40\-50 years old, more often with reduced abilities of resistance, lying or sitting when the perpetrator attacked. A characteristic feature was also the occurrence of a large numbe"]

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