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Search for: [Abstract = "Cardiovascular diseases \(CVD\), despite the implementation of modern diagnostics and therapy in recent years, are still the main cause of deaths in Poland and in the world. The treatment of coronary artery disease depends on the stage of changes in the coronary vessels and the clinical picture. In chronic coronary syndromes, the key is to identify risk factors, change unhealthy lifestyle choices and implement preventive pharmacotherapy. There is no doubt that the reasons for further improvement of CVD treatment outcomes are the improvement of knowledge about the causes of CVD and the implementation of the principles of prevention. Unfortunately, despite numerous educational programs and the promotion of preventive examinations, the majority of Polish society does not know the principles of CVD prevention, nor can they name the most important symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, and do not know lifesaving emergency numbers. Lack of knowledge of these factors is responsible for the delay in reporting to a doctor and thus reducing the possibility of providing quick help, especially in acute coronary syndromes. The MCAPRI research program, which was carried out in 2012\-2020 in the Małopolskie Voivodeship, concerned comprehensive preventive CVD intervention. In addition to the general population intervention \(media campaigns\) concerning the entire population of the Ma"]

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